Gratitude is the healthiest among all the other human emotions. The more one expresses gratitude for what he/she has, the more likely they will get even more to express gratitude for. It is essential for kids to show and practice gratitude in their lives.
Why should a child display gratitude?
We feel it is very important to teach children the meaning of gratitude from the very young age. Children who are raised knowing how to express a sense of gratitude grow up to be adults with a greater level of strength and interpersonal skills. Learning gratitude improves the mental as well as the physical health of the children. Students can harness gratitude to increase their grades, goals, and quality of life.
Challenges faced by adults.
Kid’s understanding of positive emotions can be a challenging conversation for parents, as they are abstract and subjective. Gratitude is about focusing on what is good in our lives and being thankful for all the things we already have is a daily practice, but making kids listen to this can be a difficult job.
The benefits of the gratitude trait
Gratitude has been shown to reduce social comparisons, improve social confidence, and appreciate and celebrate the achievements of others. These actions and attitudes lead to improved self-esteem of the children. Gratitude improves Psychological health and improves relationships. It is essential to teach our children to use their manners and say, “Please,” and, “Thank you,” thanking others for their contributions/help also improves both professional and personal relationships and hence will help children in later stages of their lives.
Pragati Vidya Peeth we believe that our environment is an extension of our classroom. We follow different methods to teach our children to learn gratitude not just once or twice but throughout the year. We teach them to enjoy the little moments, reflect on lessons learned, and pass the kindness on to others.
What are different ways used by teachers and Parents to encourage a child to show gratitude?
Teaching gratitude to kids is not as straightforward as teaching timetables to them. Helping students become more aware of all the opportunities and blessings around them requires more than a simple lesson. For educators and teachers, there are some basic ways to inspire a sense of gratitude in our classroom:
Writing in a Gratitude Journal is one way we make our students thinking about the things they are grateful for every day.